Opportunities to serve

Consider using your spiritual gifts in the ministries below!

We desire to connect every follower of Jesus Christ at Cornerstone Bible Church, 

that calls this their church "home," with a ministry in which they can serve.

Please email each leader with questions or to get more information.

Coyo (cornerstone youth)

Spiritual gifts :

Encouragement, intercession, creative communication, hospitality, mercy, shepherding, evangelism, teaching, wisdom. 


  • Middle school Boys D group leader

  • High School boys D group Leader

  • High School Girls D group leader

  • Middle school girls D group leader

  • Intercessors

Description of D group leader role: we are looking for adults to come alongside students on Wednesdays and play a role in their walk towards maturity in Christ. While this specifically involves leading or co-leading a D group after the teaching time, it also involves investing into their lives during dinner and other occasions as your time and ability allows. In D groups, students check in with what is happening in their lives, discuss the teaching, and pray for one another. Please contact Wilmer if you would like to learn more! 

Description of Intercessors: We are looking for adults that are willing to pray over students, leaders and CoYo as a whole on Wednesday nights. This can be done from the comfort of your home or wherever you are. The intent is to cover everything we do in prayer and that God will be glorified through it all! Engaging in spiritual warfare and praying against any evil attacks on the students is crucial.  Please contact Wilmer if you would like to learn more!



Spiritual gifts:

Encouragement, creative communication, helps, maybe leadership.

  • Technical Director
  • Camera
  • Sound
Training for all positions will be available.

  • Available one Sunday a month to work in Live Stream
  • Available to come in early on Sunday mornings to set up and possibly trouble-shoot
  • Have a great attitude to learn
  • Understand that this is a very important ministry of CBC
  • Have a desire to see our weekly service go out to those who can't make it to church

Please reach out to Angie Durham if you are interested. 

Front of House/sound

Spiritual gifts :

Administration, creative communication, helps. 


  • Front of House/Sound


We need someone who will be able to stay engaged during the Sunday service to keep up with the  worship music, announcements, as well as the preaching itself. This would include  coming in early on Sunday mornings to work with the Worship team, and coming on Tuesday evenings to Worship team practice.  

"If any man hath an ear, let him hear." We want everyone to be able to hear the service!

If you have experience in working with sound, you will need a teachable spirit regarding this particular sound board. Any knowledge of the Behringer Wing sound board would be helpful, but not necessary. Training will be available!

Please contact Doug Durham if you are interested:



Spiritual gifts :

Administration, creative communication, helps. 


  • Visuals Presenter

  • Media Organizer

Description of Visuals Presenter role: we need someone who will be able to stay engaged during the Sunday service to keep up with the  worship songs, announcements, as well as the preaching itself. This would include  coming in  early on Sunday mornings to work with the Worship team.

Description of Media Organizer: the responsibilities would be preparation for the Sunday service. This would include learning to use Planning Center to download anything for the sermon. It would also include prepping any slides that would be used during the sermon/service.  This would be done during the week.

Any knowledge of Pro Presenter or Planning Center would be helpful, but not necessary. Training will be available!

Please contact Steve Cerullo if you are interested:



Spiritual gifts :

Hospitality, Encouragement,  Helps. 


  • Set up/Break down
  • Set up Meals
  • Kitchen clean up
  • Maintenance

Potluck happens the first Sunday of each month, with the exception of the months we have a picnic.


Set up/Break down: we need volunteers who can come before Potluck Sundays to set up tables and chairs.  We also need volunteers who will stay after potluck and wipe off and break down tables and chairs and vacuum floors.

Set up Meals: we need volunteers to help get the food from the kitchen and set it up in the  designated serving spaces. Volunteers would need to keep the paper products stocked and the drink dispensers filled during the meal.  

Kitchen Clean up: we need volunteers to clean up the dishes and the kitchen after the potluck is over.

Maintenance: we need volunteers who would deep clean kitchen appliances. We would do this on a quarterly basis.

Please contact Nicole Moore if you are interested:


Nursery first & Second hour

(6 weeks-2years old)

Spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Shepherding, Helps, Mercy, Wisdom, Administration


  • Nursery director
  • First & Second hour leaders
  • First & Second hour helpers

If you have a love for and an appreciation of babies and toddlers, this may be the place for you. You will need to have the energy to keep up with them, OR provide wise direction for those who can. All volunteers will need to fill out either an adult or teen application. A background check will be completed for everyone working with children at CBC. 


Nursery director: adult who will oversee scheduling and training of nursery volunteers, provide spiritual and practical direction for the nursery, and oversee the nursery facility.

First & Second hour leader: adult to be in charge of Sunday mornings and present the Bible lesson.

First & Second hour helpers: adults and teens to help on Sunday mornings.

Please contact Ivy Amarh if you are interested:


cbckidz first hour

Pre-school & K-5

Spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Shepherding, Helps, Mercy, Wisdom, Administration, Teaching, Leadership


  • Pre-school director
  • Pre-school and K-5 First hour lead teachers (weekly commitment)
  • Pre-school and K-5 First hour assistant teachers (weekly commitment) 
  • Pre-school and K-5 First hour helpers (weekly commitment)

If you have a love for and an appreciation of young children, kindergarten and elementary kids, this may be the place for you. You will need to have the energy to keep up with them, OR provide wise direction for those who can. All volunteers will need to fill out  an adult (18+) application. A background check will be completed for everyone working with children at CBC. 


Pre-school director: adult who will oversee the Pre-school department on Sunday mornings. Also oversees the transition time between first and second hours. Also assists new parents and children enroll and be sure they are welcomed.

First hour lead teachers: adult to prepare and teach the lesson each week. Answers in Genesis curriculum is provided. 

First hour assistant teachers: adult to teach the weekly memory verse and assist the lead teacher as needed.

First hour helpers: adult to focus on relationships with the children and assist the lead teacher as needed.

Additional description for K-5:  We would like to have 3 person teaching teams for K-2 and   3-5 classes. Ideally, the lead teacher and assistant teacher rotate between roles. The helper may occasionally need to step in as lead or assistant teacher.


Training provided each year for all roles. 

Please contact Debra Sanders if interested.


cbckidz second hour

Children's church K-5

Spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Shepherding, Helps, Mercy, Wisdom, Administration, Teaching, Leadership


  • K-5 Second hour lead teachers (monthly commitment)
  • K-5 Second hour assistant teachers (monthly commitment) 
  • K-5 Second hour helpers (monthly commitment)
  • Technology

If you have a love for and an appreciation of kindergarten and elementary kids, this may be the place for you. You will need to have the energy to keep up with them, OR provide wise direction for those who can. All volunteers will need to fill out either an adult (18+) or teen application. A background check will be completed for everyone working with children at CBC. 


Second hour lead teachers: adult to plan and execute activities that teach the kids how to apply Bible Truth to their everyday life and activities that build community amongst the kids and the Children's Church leaders. 

Second hour assistant teachers: adult to carry out these plans.

Second hour helpers: mostly teens to help carry out these plans.

Additional description for teams:  We need 3 teams for Children's Church: The main team who serves most of the year. The summer team who serves 6-8 weeks in the summer. The holiday team that fills in for either team when they need a break.

Technology: adult or teen to run all tech equipment used during Children's Church.


Please contact Debra Sanders if interested


cbckidz other opportunities

Spiritual gifts: Encouragement, Shepherding, Helps, Mercy, Wisdom, Administration, Leadership, Craftsmanship, Creative Communication


  • Puppet Shows
  • Memory verse coaching
  • Event prep ( Christmas, Missions Conference, Easter, Celebration Sunday)
  • Music
  • Intercessory Prayer

Any activity which involves direct contact with our kids requires a completed volunteer application and a background check. Behind the scenes activities, that do not involve direct contact with our kids do not require either.

Check the weekly church wide e-blast for current information about opportunities to help with these and other seasonal activities within cbcKidz.

Please contact Debra Sanders if you are interested:



Spiritual Gifts:  Hospitality, Faith, Creative Communication, Evangelism

Needs: Greeters


Being a greeter presents an opportunity to make all visitors and members feel welcome at Cornerstone Bible Church. As a volunteer you also have an opportunity to converse and connect with your brothers and sisters in Christ. The goal is to have 4-5 volunteers per week, and for each volunteer to service 1 time every 4-8 weeks.

Role Responsibilities:

  1. greet the Sunday School attendees from 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM
  2. greet the Church attendees from 10:30 AM to 10:50 AM  
  3. Welcome those attending

Please contact Donna Edson if you are interested:
