Men's Events

Upcoming Events:

We will let you know when we have the next event planned!

Past Events:

-Men's Breakfast, February 8, 2025

- Tailgate Party , October 5, 2024

- Men's BBQ, May 18, 2024

Come, get connected, and grow in Christ with other men at Cornerstone.

These are free events that are about fellowship, food, and fun.

We also encourage you to join one of our men's

D-groups (Discipleship Group) or S-groups (Specialized Groups)

CLICK HERE to find our more about men's D-groups

Men's Ministry

Cornerstone Bible Church maintains a vibrant ministry to men both inside and outside of the church.  Our most visible ministries are men’s small groups, which is part of the church’s “D-Group” ministry of deliberate discipleship as well as our quarterly men’s church wide social events.


Men’s Discipleship Groups (Weekly Discipleship):

  • These groups meeting at differing times during the week. Some groups meet in the morning, some at mid-day and others during the evening.  All Groups are “Open” and willing to embrace new members at any time. All the men’s small groups meet during the entire year except for particular calendar holidays.
  •  The group size is intentionally limited to around 12 so that participants can develop meaningful relationships with other members.
  • All “D-Groups” contain four key elements pursuant to comprehensive discipleship within a discussion format:

  1. Study of God’s Word
  2. Sharing of Life Together through Prayer Requests and Updates
  3. Intercessory Prayer for One Another both Inside and Outside the Group Meetings
  4. Fellowship Opportunities for each group outside of the Regular Meeting Context

Men’s Social Opportunities (Fellowship)


Men’s socials are open to all men as well as guests outside the church.  We love to eat and talk together! At this point our socials have all been food events.  We try to schedule one for each of three quarters, breaking for summer due to vacation schedules.  Information on such events will be located in the church bulletin and Sunday announcements from the platform.