
Cornerstone Bible Church has a history of supporting missionaries around the world and locally. The command of Christ in Matthew 28:18–20 is part of our church DNA. We want to make disciples around the world and in every nation. Below is the list of missionaries CBC supports.

  • Cliff & Judy Anderson

    This dynamic couple met and married at the age of 40, had a baby at age 41, and headed to the mission field at age 42! Serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT) in the Philippines for several years, Cliff used his IT expertise to support the translators there. Cliff and Judy most recently served on the team at JAARS Center (Jungle Aviation and Radio Service) in Waxhaw, North Carolina, an arm of Wycliffe that provides equipment, training, and high-tech services to Bible translators in field locations around the world. With great sadness and hopeful joy, we have had to say farewell to Judy, as she went to be with the Lord July 19, 2023.

  • scott gardner

    Scott is the Media Services Manager, working in the AFCI International Office in Atlanta, GA. As Media Services Manager, Scott brings to AFCI his blend of design and technical skills, in addition to his ability to teach and to train effectively. He has been an instructor at AFCI events in Spain, Cuba, Thailand, Cambodia, as well as the USA. Scott graduated from Moody Bible Institute, and continued his studies at Loyola University in Chicago where he received a Bachelors in Cross Cultural Communications. He has also pursued language studies in Austria and Spain.


    Brian Hamilton is the International Director of Ambassadors for Christ International (AFCI). Brian was a pastor in Canada for many years before joining AFCI.  Before moving to the USA, he served as National Director for AFC Canada.  He and his wife, Linda, have a long history of successful cross-cultural ministry and a passion to see AFCI expand.  Brian’s main focus is to help AFCI ministries to broaden their vision for global outreach and for he and Linda to support the leadership of current AFCI teams. Brian and Linda have 5 grown children and 6 grandchildren.

  • Don & Ruth may

    Don and Ruth are dedicated to the task of Bible translation for minority people groups. They joined Wycliffe Bible Translators, from the pews of CBC-Lilburn, in 1993 when they were in their 40's. Ruth retired from Wycliffe in 2021, after 28 years of service.  She  served in SIL International Administration and financial support for the Eurasia Area.  Her work as a bookkeeper was with two groups in Eurasia translating dozens of languages. In 2014 Don retired from Wycliffe after 21 years of service, continuing for several years as a retired volunteer. He traveled extensively in roles with SIL International Administration, the Eurasia Area, the Americas Areas and for several years was seconded to Aramaic Bible Translators. He served in roles such as Manager Trainer, Area Training Coordinator, International Leadership Development Coach, Cross-cultural Curriculum Developer, and Project Funding Coordinator. They now live in the Atlanta area and have four married adult children and thirteen grandchildren. 

  • Dan & tricia miller

    The Millers joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1975 and worked in the Philippines from 1978 to 1994. The Millers are presently at the JAARs Center in Waxhaw, NC. Dan no longer flys for JAARS and has been reassigned to the task of airport manager. Tricia works in the hangar as office manager/receptionist/secretary.

  • Argyris & Dina Petrou

    Argyris and Dina Petrou are serving the Lord with AMG International in Greece. The Lord has called Argyris to step by faith into a full-time teaching position at the Greek Bible College, after 10 years of pastoral experience in Toronto and Piraeus, 8 years in the evangelistic and publishing work of AMG Greece, and 12 years in the leadership of the Greek Evangelical Alliance.

    In addition to serving as a professor at the Greek Bible College (the only Bible school in Greece), he is also a preacher and ordained minister of the Greek Evangelical Church and a published author through the Greek publishing house, O LOGOS.

    At the same time, the Lord called Dina to a cutting-edge ministry at the fringe of society after years of being a pastor's wife and a mom. After serving for 8 years as a visitor-witness to downtown Athens brothels every Wednesday morning, now she is founding the House of Damaris, a Christian safe house for victims of trafficking and prostitution. 

    Argyris and Dina have three sons: Mark, Erik, and Erastos.

  • Gene & martha purvis

    This energetic couple served 12 years as church planters in Costa Rica before returning in 1998 to the USA. God then lead them to minister among the burgeoning immigrant Hispanic population right here in the States. They now reside in Kathleen, GA. and began a new Hispanic church plant in Perry, GA. Gene has served as the Hispanic USA field director, USA ministry coordinator, and, most recently, the USA country facilitator for AVANT Ministries International. He coordinates 12 AVANT ministry team leaders operating in the US and is the team leader for the South East ministry team. Gene is also a liaison between the Costa Rica Church Association board of directors and AVANT leadership. He is also a board member of FIEL-HUSA, Inc., which is the Fraternity of Hispanic Churches in the US related to AVANT Ministries. Gene is married to Martha and they have two sons and three grandchildren. Gene has a Masters in Nuclear Engineering and Evangelical/Church Planting.

  • Paul & kathy schmidt

    Paul and Kathy have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1987. They served in East Africa from 1990 - 2002. Paul is currently seconded to the Seed Company (a Wycliffe Affiliate) and serves as a Bible translation consultant in Asia and is also Seed Company's Translation Consultant Manager for Asia Pacific Area. They reside in Desoto, Texas. They have four adult daughters, 3 grandchildren, two dogs and a cat.

  • Lawrence & barbara trumbower

    Lawrence and Barbara were missionaries in Puerto Rico. Their ministry was through radio where that media could reach the masses of Puerto Rico, taking them the Word of God, its message of salvation, teachings and principles for life. They served under Grace Ministries International at its station on the south coast of the island, and then in their later terms they joined with the stations of Calvary Evangelistic Mission, expanding the outreach to three stations. In 2020 GMI approved a plan for the Trumbowers to persue a teaching ministry resulting in a move back to the states as home base, traveling to other Latin American countries. This was one of Lawrence’s lifelong dreams, but the COVID epidemic changed ministry plans. Lawrence was able to present some classes via Zoom to Panama, and he and Barbara also traveled to Curacao and Bon-Air to conduct seminars. Then another change became inevitable - the reality of old age. They retired from GMI in mid 2022, currently reside in Georgia, and attend Cornerstone Bible Church.

  • Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf (CCCD)

    Cornerstone supports and regularly sends short-term mission teams to CCCD. The Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf operates three schools on the island of Jamaica. They are residential facilities that allows them to bring in the rural deaf that would otherwise not have access to the gospel of Jesus Christ or to a language, basic education or vocational training. Visit their website at www.cccdjamaica.org.

  • GideonS International

    Cornerstone has supported the Gideons for years. The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While they are known worldwide for their work with hotels, they predominantly share Scriptures in schools and colleges, prisons and jails, hospitals, and medical offices. Visit their website at www.gideons.org.

  • Mission India

    Cornerstone supports Mission India because it is reaching out to the largest unreached nation in the world. Over 400 million people in India have never heard the name of Jesus. Mission India, together with other ministry partners, is radiating the love of Christ to India's invisible and too-often ignored people groups through Children's Bible Clubs, Adult Literacy Classes, and Church Planter Training. Visit their website at www.missionindia.org.

  • Felix & PRiscilla

    Felix and Priscilla are missionaries in West Africa. He is first and foremost, Pastor of a small village church. They, along with their three children, moved across their country to plant a church among an unreached people group. From there, their ministry has blossomed into a church planting network, with 9 churches so far. They are magnets for children, which has allowed the Lord to use their gifts to develop and run a literacy and vocational school, a Christian school and preschool and an Orphanage which also houses a program for at-risk young ladies to be trained in a skill that will provide for themselves, in an effort to keep them out of harmful situations caused by extreme vulnerability.

    They have a heart for people and a willingness to enter in and walk through real life with their friends and neighbors in Jesus’ name.  Felix and Priscilla wear many hats, have a full front porch and praise the Lord for the opportunity to preach the gospel and serve the Lord with everything they have, saying, “We will rest in Heaven.”

  • other missionaries

    We support several more missionaries in various regions around the globe.

    Aaron & Lydia serve in Asia.

    Sean & Rebekah serve in Asia.


Missions  Conference 2024

We are "Advancing the Gospel" at Cornerstone! Our Missions Conference was held on February 23, 24, & 25, 2024. If you happened to miss any of the days, please follow this link to watch the videos:

Mission Conference 2024 Videos

Missions Conference 2023

One of the ways Cornerstone supports its missionaries is by holding an annual missions conference.  This is a great opportunity to meet our missionaries!  This year's theme was "Compelled by the Love of Christ".  Following are the recordings of this year's conference.  Just click the date you want to watch.  What a blessing the time was for our church family!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sunday, February 26, 2023