What is My Next Step?
Anyone whose heart is led to participate through prayer should pick up a Prayer Pledge Form at the OBT Station in the church foyer and place their pledge in the OBT Pledge & Praise Box beginning today or on any Sunday morning between April 2nd and April 30th.
Anyone whose heart is led to participate financially should visit the OBT Station to pick up an OBT Information Packet which lays out the various pledge levels to choose from and covers the details for submitting a financial pledge as well as how, when, and where to submit donations. The Financial Pledge Form will only be available in the OBT Information Packets in order to ensure confidentiality of these pledges. Please fill out this form at home and place it in the “OBT Pledge & Praise Box” on any Sunday morning between April 2nd and April 30th.
The OBT Station will be attended after the Worship Service today and after the Worship Services on April 2nd, April 16th, April 23rd, and April 30th. (Note: April 9th is Easter Sunday so the OBT Station will not be attended on that day)
— COME and SEE —
“Come and see the works of God, who is awesome in His deeds towards the sons of mankind.” Psalm 66:5
In Scripture, God repeatedly encourages us to come to Him for help in times of challenging financial, physical, or relational situations and spiritual renewal in times of temptation and sinfulness. Throughout the Book of Psalms we see this wonderfully expressed. So, integral to the OBT strategic initiative, we have included a Spiritual Theme called “Come and See” and have chosen the text above as our theme verse.
Come.... we suggest that those who choose to join with us as Financial Partners, consider their monthly giving as offering their loaves and fishes to Christ and thereby, “come” to Him trusting in His willingness to meet our needs in His good timing and if necessary, to even provide for the fulfillment of their pledge.
and See.... during this six month long strategic initiative, Prayer and Financial Partners are encouraged to “see” and acknowledge how Christ has revealed Himself to them in a fresh new way, perhaps related to pressing needs in their life or through their financial or prayer pledge. Consider sharing your experience with others by submitting a brief written account of it and place it in the OBT Pledge & Praise Box. Written accounts can be anonymous as they may be shared with the Cornerstone church body in a future Worship Service.
During the six month funding phase for OBT, a monthly prayer reminder will be sent to all Prayer and Financial Partners which will include a scripture text and a devotional thought that supports the Come and See spiritual theme. Through this effort we look forward to seeing the deeds of our God manifested in the lives of His people at CBC.