COVID Update August 19, 2022

Starting August 21st, the social distancing seating will be removed in the Sanctuary. All seating is open. 

This shift comes after careful consideration from the Elders and recognizing the changes in the CDC guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the church office.

If you experience any COVID symptoms, we ask you to stay home and join us online. 

"By this all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another."  John 13:35

covid Building use

COVID UPDATES 3-31-2022 (as they affect building use and ministry):

Food & Drink:

  • Continue using individually packaged communion cups.

  • The “Self Serve Coffee Bar” for adults at any event may be reopened.

  • Large events, such as Potlucks, where food is brought from individuals or caterers

    may resume. Each prep person should have washed their hands and be gloved while prepping food. NO servers are required. Hand sanitizer should be available for people to use at the front of the line. Clear plastic gloves should be available for those who wish to use them. No restrictions on who prepares the food are needed.

  • Picnics will continue outside. Each prep person should have washed their hands and be gloved while prepping food. NO servers are required. Hand sanitizer should be available for people to use at the front of the line. Clear plastic gloves should be available for those who wish to use them. No restrictions on who prepares the food are needed.

  • CBCKidz will have individual bottled water/drinks or individual dixie cups of water and individual wrapped snack food prepared by gloved workers.

  • The CBC Kitchen will be re-opened with each prep and serving person having washed their hands and be gloved while prepping and serving food. Each team will sanitize the kitchen after their work.
  • Water fountains in the building will be turned ON.


  • NO sign in books to record attendance will be used during the service. We will continue using the connection cards.

  • Pens, handouts, and consumables may return to the foyer or other locations on the church campus.

Building Use & Ministry:

  • The Part-time janitors will sanitize major traffic areas once a week.

  • The evening janitors will sanitize the building once a week.

  • Sanitization supplies will be in each classroom/restroom if individuals wish to sanitize before/after their own use.

  • Ministries will continue meeting in the building with zoom/livestream options when available or needed.